Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wakakakakakaka... Today's busy..
Can't put pictures into this post...>.<
Today's a hot day!!!
I hate HOT!!!

Willy gave me a Cadbury milk Chocolate
As my birthday present..
Willy is very good...

I missed my friend's open house!
Cuz i'm too busy!
I went for piano lesson then it's 7pm dy..
so i don't wanna risk going there after everyone left...

My piano sucks!
I mean i suck
My finger, my right brain, my left brain
All Suck...
Piano upgrading test is on 13thMarch
It's close...
Wish me luck... =)

Walao.. today's bus is extremely full!
Two boys needed to stand...
There's hardly any place to stand!
So lucky i am a girl...
i get to sit the last empty space...

Got to stop typing or my FIERCE mom
is gonna Kill me!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Government Holiday

Why am I so unlucky!?
Today's holiday...
You see...
Monday we finish school on 3:30pm
Tuesday we finish school on 1:50pm
Wednesday we finish school on 3:30pm
Thursday we finish school on 1:50pm
The holiday is today... That means Tuesday
Why don't today's holiday is on Monday?
That way i can have more free time...
And... Another holiday-- The last day of CNY...
is on Thursday!
But.. Every school can have holiday...
give us a holiday?!

Today I went to Suria Sabah...
We ate at Sushi Tei...
It's Cool...
But i don't like the cold noodles..
 and one of the sushi with egg wrapping a weird fish fillet..
I met many people from school but i ignored them..
i greeted Sklivia anyway... She's more my friend...
I met Rachel and her friends too in Multi Bake

Haiz... Tomorrow school till 3:30pm...
So tired of SCHOOL... >.<''

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Today's Valentine's Day
Nothing special happens... As usual...
I went to school by bus
There were two really noisy girls...
They keep talking and chit-chating...
Not only today, they are noisy everyday!

Damm it... My class is so not cold... 
It's so hot that i can't have any of my attention 
on what teacher said...
Well, my friend June gave me a air freshener 
as my birthday present.

I felt much better after I came out of my...
''BURNING classroom''
to went for P.E lesson...

Back from school is the most suffering time...
The sun is high and bright...
The bus is dirty and hot...
The people are all carrying thingssss...
And that dustbin called me again...
I really don't know how to make him stop his childish action...
It's so annoying and irritating...

I saw Strawberry after school today...
even when he is in serious mood...
STTSS meant more to me me after my 1st year here...
After i knew people here..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Best Birthday Ever!!!

Today is my birthday..
And, it's my best birthday ever!
Thanks to
Of course and my
I Love You All!!!
We went to
It's my first experience going out with my REAL friends.
We ate at
Rebecca bought me a necklace with a letter "C".
Rachel bought me a ring.
with little spots on it
My family bought me a cheese cake.
My grandparents gave me
I am just so, very, really, extremely, absolutely