Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Government Holiday

Why am I so unlucky!?
Today's holiday...
You see...
Monday we finish school on 3:30pm
Tuesday we finish school on 1:50pm
Wednesday we finish school on 3:30pm
Thursday we finish school on 1:50pm
The holiday is today... That means Tuesday
Why don't today's holiday is on Monday?
That way i can have more free time...
And... Another holiday-- The last day of CNY...
is on Thursday!
But.. Every school can have holiday...
give us a holiday?!

Today I went to Suria Sabah...
We ate at Sushi Tei...
It's Cool...
But i don't like the cold noodles..
 and one of the sushi with egg wrapping a weird fish fillet..
I met many people from school but i ignored them..
i greeted Sklivia anyway... She's more my friend...
I met Rachel and her friends too in Multi Bake

Haiz... Tomorrow school till 3:30pm...
So tired of SCHOOL... >.<''

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