Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wakakakakakaka... Today's busy..
Can't put pictures into this post...>.<
Today's a hot day!!!
I hate HOT!!!

Willy gave me a Cadbury milk Chocolate
As my birthday present..
Willy is very good...

I missed my friend's open house!
Cuz i'm too busy!
I went for piano lesson then it's 7pm dy..
so i don't wanna risk going there after everyone left...

My piano sucks!
I mean i suck
My finger, my right brain, my left brain
All Suck...
Piano upgrading test is on 13thMarch
It's close...
Wish me luck... =)

Walao.. today's bus is extremely full!
Two boys needed to stand...
There's hardly any place to stand!
So lucky i am a girl...
i get to sit the last empty space...

Got to stop typing or my FIERCE mom
is gonna Kill me!!!!

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